Streets (0)
Duke Power Street Lights (2)
Piedmont Street Lights (3)
Bus Stops (4)
Sidewalks (5)
Bike Paths (6)
Powell Bill Streets (7)
| DOT Street |
| Paved Carrboro Street |
| Unpaved Carrboro Street |
| Private Street |
| Not a Carrboro Street |
Solid Waste (9)
| Friday |
| Thursday |
| Wednesday |
Yard Waste (10)
| 1st and 3rd Monday |
| 2nd and 4th Monday |
Bulk Waste (11)
| 1st and 3rd Wednesday |
| 2nd and 4th Wednesday |
Pickup Areas (12)
Snow Removal Areas (14)
Bridges (15)
Critical Facilities (16)
| Fire Stations |
| Medical Facilities |
| Park and Ride |
| Public Buildings |
| Assisted Living |
| Schools |
Snow Plow Priorities (17)
| Priority 1 |
| Priority 2 |
| NCDOT Bare Pavement |
Salt Brining (18)
| 1 Lane |
| 1 Pass |
| 2 Lanes |
| 2 Passes |
| All Lanes |
| DOT |
| No Brine |
Street Sweeping (19)
| 1st Tuesday |
| 2nd Tuesday |
| 3rd Tuesday |
| 4th Tuesday |
| Friday |
| Friday Once a Month |
| No Route |
Sport Field Lines (21)
Sport Fields (22)
Town Owned Properties (23)
Right of Way Mowing Areas (24)
Trails (25)
Bike Repair Stations (26)
Bike Lane Sweep (27)
| Friday |
Curb Ramps (28)
Bus Shelters (29)
Pet Waste Stations (30)
Speed Tables (31)
| Other |
| Fully Re-Mark |
| In compliance |
| Install New |
| Reconstruct |
| Reconstruct, Defer to next resurfacing |
| Stripes Only |